Fertility Hormones And Mood Confused About Bbt?

Confused about bbt? - fertility hormones and mood

I just started BTK in June and usually have long cycles. I use fertility friend, but I'm not sure if it is true or not interpreted. A friend of fertility, ovulation, I 27 Since June, I had many symptoms of PMS or pregnancy (both have similar symptoms, so I'm not sure). I have two tests, and both were negative, one at 14 DPO, and another at 23 DPO. I think (and was) that I submit a day for several weeks. I rarely have cramps premenstrual syndrome, but often have mood swings due to a slight hormonal imbalance, so you can never really know when I get my period. I did last week by the state on vacation in the mountains, so I am aware that this may be affected if my time comes, aswas the attempt that my body was not used. I'm going to my letter to anyone who is interested and have the Council. Thank you for your time and help! http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/2180 ...


chiquita... said...

Loos, I think, and I would test again in a few days .... and if still negative and no time, your doc 'to speak with a blood test .... You can also ask doctors online for free advice try, www.FertilityTies.com
Good luck!

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